This short paper contains the design of a Joy interpreter written in Joy itself.
Let L1 and L2 be two languages.
An interpreter for language L1 , written in language L2
is a program P which takes as a parameter any program written
in L1 and executes it in the same way as a processor for L1 would have.
If the two languages are the same language L ,
such an interpreter is called metacircular.
Languages in which program = data
make it particularly easy to write an interpreter
in its own language.
The best known example is the Lisp interpreter eval
A metacircular interpreter for Joy can also be written.
The remainder of this paper assumes some familiarity with Joy.
A Joy interpreter in Joy is a program
which expects a quoted program on top of the stack and executes it.
The following is the design of Joy interpreter joy
written in Joy itself.
The first version of the interpreter is merely a reminder that
Joy already has a combinator,
the i
which removes a program from the top of the stack and executes it.
joy == i
The next version makes explicit the fact that Joy programs
are sequences which are executed by stepping through the
members of the sequence.
For each member in the sequence an appropriate action
is taken.
The step
combinator will indiscriminately
leave literals, operators and combinators on top of the stack.
But any operators and combinators on top of the stack
cannot actually be executed.
However, their unitlist can be executed by
the i combinator.
So this is the next version of the interpreter:
joy == [ unitlist i ] step
The last interpreter does not actually specify what is to be done what a particular element of the sequence has appeared on top of the stack. A better one should say things like this for the operators:
If the top element is "+" then pop off the "+" and add the two numbers below If the top element is "rest" then pop off the "rest" and take the rest of the aggregate belowFor the literals it is even simpler:
If the top element is any number then leave it there and do not do anything If the top number is any list then leave it there and do not do anythingEssentially we need a way of examining what is on top of the stack and executing the appropriate action. So in the previous version of the interpreter we must replace the
by something more specific.
It has to consist of several cases,
for the various literals, operators and combinators.
The opcase operator is suitable for just that.
It expects any kind of item on top of the stack,
and above that a list of cases.
Each case is a list consisting
of a test item and a (possibly) empty rest.
The effect of the opcase
is to remove the top item and the list of cases,
and to leave behind the rest of case for which
the item matched the test item.
The last case in the list is the default,
it does not have a test item.
The default is returned if there was no match.
For the present design step the default does nothing.
The following is what has to replace the unitlist
in the interpreter:
[ [ 0 ] (* sample number *) [ [] ] (* sample list *) [ + pop + ] (* addition operator *) [ rest pop rest ] (* rest operator *) [ ] ] (* default, do nothing *) opcaseIt is an easy matter to add the other cases for literals. They have to be treated just like numbers and list:
[ 'A ] (* sample character *) [ true ] (* sample truth value *) [ "" ] (* sample string *) [ {} ] (* sample set *)Similarly, other operators have to be added such as
[ swap pop swap ] (* swap operator *) [ cons pop cons ] (* cons operator *)
For the combinators it is tempting to treat them just like operators:
[ dip pop dip ] (* dip combinator - WRONG *) [ map pop map ] (* map combinator - WRONG *)This will work correctly, but it just uses the Joy system inside the quoted program that is being called by
or map
Instead it should use the Joy-in-Joy interpreter that we are writing.
To achieve that effect,
the program parameter [P]
for the combinator
has to be replaced by [[P] joy]
For i
, dip
and map
and other unary combinators this is quite easy:
after the pop
execute [joy] cons
This gives cases like the following:
[ i pop [joy] cons i ] (* i combinator *) [ dip pop [joy] cons dip ] (* dip combinator *) [ map pop [joy] cons map ] (* map combinator *)The case for the
is unnecessarily inefficient,
it could be optimised to
[ i pop joy ] (* i combinator *)However, for uniformity this optimisation will not be used here.
So that we do not lose track, here is the interpreter as designed so far:
joy == (* literals *) [ [ [ 0 ] [ [] ] [ true ] [ 'A ] [ "" ] [ {} ] (* operators *) [ + pop + ] [ rest pop rest ] [ dup pop dup ] [ swap pop swap ] [ pop pop pop ] [ - pop - ] [ and pop and ] [ cons pop cons ] (* unary combinators *) [ i pop [joy] cons i ] [ dip pop [joy] cons dip ] [ map pop [joy] cons map ] [ filter pop [joy] cons filter ] [ ] ] (* provisional default *) opcase i ] step
The interpreter is getting close to its final shape now,
but several things need to be fixed.
Obviously the binary combinators
have to be treated in a way that is similar to the unary ones:
The two program parameters [P]
and [Q]
have to be replaced by [[P] joy]
and [[Q] joy]
This is best done by using the app2 combinator as follows:
[[joy] cons] app2So for the binary combinators the cases look like this:
(* binary combinators *) [ branch pop [[joy] cons] app2 branch ] [ cleave pop [[joy] cons] app2 cleave ]For the ternary combinators and quaternary combinators the pattern is much the same, there are now three or four program parameters that need to be modified. This is easily done using the app3 and app4 combinators to effect the modification.
(* ternary combinators *) [ ifte pop [[joy] cons] app3 ifte ] (* quaternary combinators *) [ linrec pop [[joy] cons] app4 linrec ] [ binrec pop [[joy] cons] app4 binrec ]
There are still two major amendments needed for the interpreter.
The first concerns user defined symbols as they might occur
in the standard library,
the personal library
or in the preamble to a particular run.
All Joy symbols have an internal tag, and
the tags differ individually only for the
operators and combinators.
However, all numbers have the same internal tag,
all characters have the same tag,
all lists have the same tag and so on.
Similarly all defined symbols have the same tag.
The opcase
operator looks at these tags,
so all that is needed is one new case for user defined symbols.
Just as any number will do as the prototype for numbers,
so any user defined symbol will do as the prototype for defined symbols.
We might as well choose "joy".
When a defined symbol has been encountered,
it is necessary to find its definition,
which is the program that constitutes the body of that definition.
The body operator will find that,
it expects a user defined symbol on top of the stack
and returns the defining program in quoted form.
The Joy interpreter now has to execute this.
But it is essential that the Joy interpreter
should execute inside that quotation.
So it will not do to use the i
but the joy
interpreter itself has to be used.
Hence the case for user defined symbols is just
[ joy body joy ]The single most common case will be the call of a defined atom rather than an inbuilt one. To improve efficiency this case (with
) is placed to the front
of the caselist.
It always possible
that the interpreter is used for programs
which contain operators or combinators
that are part of the language (not used defined)
but have not been given cases in the interpreter itself,
either intentionally or through neglect.
The joy interpreter should be able
to perform reasonably for those operators and combinators.
So this is where the default clause for the opcase
operator comes in handy.
When none of the listed case apply,
treat the symbol as we did in the second version of the interpreter:
take the unitlist
and use the i
to execute that.
Instead of using unitlist
it is better to use
its definition [] cons
So the default clause looks like this:
[ [] cons i ] (* default *)
This completes the working design of the interpreter. The following is its structure with the last two additions written out fully:
joy == [ [ [ joy body joy ] (* user defined *) ... (* literals *) ... (* operators *) ... (* unary combinators *) ... (* binary combinators *) ... (* ternary combinators *) ... (* quaternary combinators *) [ [] cons i ] ] (* default *) opcase i ] step
Before we write out a more complete version of the interpreter, it is useful to make a number of changes to the design.
Firstly, the cases for the combinators of various arities
contain common code which is repeated again and again.
The interpreter becomes more readable if such instances are
factored out and defined separately.
There are cases for unary, binary, ternary and quaternary combinators,
and for each of these the common code will be called
, cr2
, cr3
and cr4
For uniformity the code for cr1
is assimilated
to that of the others, using app1.
Since they are not likely to be wanted anywhere else,
their definitions are given inside a HIDE declaration.
it could be useful if the default case does its job not
silently but traces out each symbol that it hands over
to the Joy system.
Such symbols are dup
licated and then written out by put.
This now makes the default case
[ dup put [] cons i ]
The interpreter joy now looks like this:
HIDE cr1 == pop [[joy] cons] app1; cr2 == pop [[joy] cons] app2; cr3 == pop [[joy] cons] app3; cr4 == pop [[joy] cons] app4 IN joy == [ [ [ joy body joy ] [ [] ] [ 0 ] ... [ dup pop dup ] [ + pop + ] [ cons pop cons ] [ put pop put ] ... [ i cr1 i ] [ dip cr1 dip ] [ map cr1 map ] [ filter cr1 filter ] [ app1 cr1 app1 ] [ app2 cr1 app2 ] ... [ ifte cr3 ifte ] [ linrec cr4 linrec ] [ binrec cr4 binrec ] ... [ dup put [] cons i ] ] opcase i ] step END
The interpreter has appropriate cases for all literals and for quite a few operators and combinators. Most operators and combinators are still missing and will therefore be handled by the default clause. However, it is straightforward to make the interpreter more comprehensive and even complete.
It is of some interest to write an interpreter that is
just adequate to interpret itself and leaves
everything else to the default clause.
The following is the minimal Joy interpreter joy0;
for variety it uses the optimisation for the i
mentioned earlier.
joy0 == [ [ [ joy0 body joy0 ] [ [] ] [ pop pop pop ] [ cons pop cons ] [ opcase pop opcase ] [ body pop body ] [ i pop joy0 ] [ step pop [joy0] cons step ] [ [] cons i ] ] opcase i ] step
The two versions joy and joy0 are in the file Joy in Joy .